Monday, December 6, 2010

It's Poinsettia Season Again!

Aren't they beautiful?

Now that you've got a poinsettia, you either treated yourself to one or you received one as a gift, how can you make sure you keep it healthy and happy once it goes home with you?

That's one of the most common questions we get at the flower shop, and while poinsettias do tend to be a somewhat temperamental plant, there are many things you can do to encourage your poinsettia to live a long healthy and brightly colored life.

Temperature is probably the most important factor in keeping your poinsettia healthy.  The poinsettia should never be exposed to temperatures less than 55 degrees, so if you live in a cooler climate, NEVER, let me repeat, NEVER take them out of a store if they are not protected with a sleeve or some type of wrapping  if it is cold outside, even if it's only for a few minutes.  On the other side of the climate spectrum, if you want to prolong the bright color of the poinsettia bracts, daytime temperature should not exceed 70 degrees.  They prefer indirect natural daylight, and at least 6 hours daily is best.

Poinsettias require moderately moist soil.  You should water your plant thoroughly when the soil surface feels dry to the touch.  You should completely saturate the soil when watering your poinsettia, however, after watering, remove it from it's foil, plastic or other covering, and pour off any water that has run through the plant.  Poinsettias can not be allowed to sit in any standing water because they are highly susceptible to root rot which causes leaf drop, and ultimately will kill the plant.

While there is a bit of extra effort involved in keeping your poinsettias beautiful, it is well worth the effort.  Enjoy your poinsettias and these busy days on the way to the holidays!
